Does God Hurry ?

Published October 30, 2015 by Grant Thorpe in Poems

Does God Hurry ?

Does God hurry?
Does he scurry?
Is he ever in a rush?
He has so many things to do while
Looking after us.

It seems to me the things I want
Should happen in a hurry.
There’s always more that could be done
So surely God must worry.

But our Father is eternal.
He’s never short of time,
And he can manage everything
That he has got in mind.

Jesus said he never did
Anything at all
Without his Father showing
What was needed, big or small.

God can fit his big things
Into little bits of time;
Things like love and kindness
And all he has in mind.

He doesn’t need my rushing;
He only needs my trust
And all that he is doing
Will fill my life to ‘bust’!

© Grant Thorpe 2015

Does God Hurry (PDF)
















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