Statement of Faith

The members of the Church hold to the Creeds of the church, known as Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds and have a common Statement of Faith in that they believe in:

  1. God the Father, our creator, redeemer and sustainer, the fountainhead of grace in which we live and find our identity.
  2. God the Son, Jesus Christ who has perfectly revealed the Father to us.
  3. God the Holy Spirit who communicates to us the Truth of the Father by showing us the Son.
  4. The Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  5. The perfect humanity and atoning death of our Lord Jesus Christ who, being raised from the dead and present with the Father, is Lord of the universe.
  6. The amazing grace of the Father who made it possible for sinful humanity, being altogether dead to Him in sin since the Fall and subject to His wrath and condemnation, to be made His children through the gifts of repentance and faith.


Further to this the members of the Church believe :

  • That man’s justification, sanctification and glorification were accomplished by the Son on the cross and are received by us through faith alone.
  • That by faith, evoked by the Holy Spirit’s regeneration, we may live as God’s family, freed from the power and pollution of our sin and empowered to serve God.
  • That in the Lord’s Supper and in Baptism our Lord has given to all who believe two visible ordinances showing the nature of his saving grace.
  • In the people of God called the Church, the body of Christ, of which we are part and over which our Lord is the sovereign head.
  • That all who are members of the church are one in Christ.
  • In the personal return of our Lord, in his risen power and glory, to judge the living and the dead.
  • In the divine inspiration of all Holy Scripture and in its authority and sufficiency to guide us in our faith and all our relationships.